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MissPetrova15 karma

From what I hear, the worst thing about Comcast is that it is absolutely terrible about keeping records. I've changed my view from "money grubbing assholes" to "lazy fucktards" because they're just too big to fail at this point so they can do whatever they want. :(

MissPetrova7 karma

Actually it's not perfect. The second letter has to be close to the first letter.

Ex. "ltteers," "wouthit," and "bcuseae" are hard to read until your eyes flick over the entire word and see the second letter (e, i, e).

Also, most of these words would NOT make sense outside of context. That's not evidence that your brain sees the sentence as a whole!

It is hard to know what "raed" is, but "raed ervey lteter" is easy for me to decode.

I think it's just that our brain is pretty good at figuring out what the mistake is and sticking in the right word for the jumbled mess - not that we read the word as a whole.

MissPetrova6 karma

Do you often pretend to be a T-Rex?

i'm sorry but it's just what i would have done

MissPetrova6 karma

I sort of meant the difference between "clearly focused" and "lazy", though. A disorganized company is easy to ignore.