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MiniRat705 karma


<comic book guy voice> The controllers clearly and deliberately play out the same trope as their victims. There is the military jock, Bradley Whitford (nee Manning) plays the fool, Richard is the studious serious one who deals with the tunnel crisis and knows how to fix it. Ellie must be the slut (although this is less obvious why) as she dies first. And the director who dies last must be the virgin. The harbinger warns them of their impending doom in the speaker phone scene and they mock him and carry on. They all choose the manner of their demise (most noticeably Bradley Whitford's fixation with mermen).

Given all that, why do the old gods still erupt at the end, surely the ceremony has been completed, just not with the victims we thought were involved? </comic book guy voice>

MiniRat126 karma

Goddamit brain, you had one job.

Fuck it I'll just go back to calling him Josh.

MiniRat57 karma

Ah, crap, maybe I've got the whole thing wrong then... Or maybe the Military guy is the slut....

MiniRat48 karma

Yes. The roles of the women are not at all clear, that's kind of why I posted this question. I'd be just as happy to get an official "You are reading too much into it" response, at least the I'd know.

I also have another even more unsupported fanboy theory that the director is actually a surviving virgin from a previous iteration who has taken over the institution that exploited her.

MiniRat13 karma

It would also pretend to blue screen or play the game cube boot animation. Plus a bunch of in game things, like your health rapidly ticking down, controls and or screen being mirrored, your body rapidly shedding limbs, impossible to defeat enemies spawning. That game was a masterpiece in head-fuckery.