Highest Rated Comments

Mikey_MiG47 karma

Most PC players can play pretty well without looking at the keyboard for many games. But I'd have to imagine more complicated games, like if you're playing a sim of some kind, it would be a pain in the ass to not be able to see.

Mikey_MiG19 karma

Quite sure the US faction is still the Marines...

Mikey_MiG11 karma

He already said only DICE employees got to play as Commanders.

Mikey_MiG6 karma

I'd imagine working ground control at a large, busy airport is probably one of the most frustrating areas of ATC, especially when pilots don't follow directions.

Mikey_MiG5 karma

oh, god, not that argument again...

People have been parroting that argument every few months in either the Battlefield or general gaming subs, and it pisses me off every time. It's like they have extremely selective memory and forget all the expansions that the older BF games had, which were also a lot more expensive (the expansions for 1942 cost $20 and $30).

Thank you for explaining it again though. Be prepared to do so again in the future the next time someone says "YOU PROMISED FREE MAPS!"