What do the Giant Bomb editors think of the future of media news and criticism in a world where most (not specifically the GB audience) people are increasingly allergic to reading large amounts of text (representing a great waste of time on written articles), want shallow product reviews i.e. "buy/rent/avoid" in video rather than in-depth analysis of themes and presentation (So is it a "good" game or not?), and where attention spans are such that no media holds their attention for any significant amount of time; jumping from TV to console game to mobile game to computer game depending on mood, few of them providing the satisfaction those media had in the past?
Bonus Stage 1: What is the end-game for the Giant Bomb wiki? Will it eventually merge with other databases (GameFAQs, etc.) so that release and other data automatically populates, or will it always rely on manual import of information? Any requests/bounties on especially incomplete or empty wiki pages other than Justice Beaver for the SNES?
Bonus Stage 2: What are the rough revenue percentages for Giant Bomb with respect to premium subscriptions, merch, website ads, and Bombcast/Beastcast advertisements? What keeps Giant Bomb afloat the most? The recent podcast ad survey seems like a move to tailor podcast ads to the audience to generate more revenue, what other tailored ad strategies might be explored?
MiGaOh46 karma
What do the Giant Bomb editors think of the future of media news and criticism in a world where most (not specifically the GB audience) people are increasingly allergic to reading large amounts of text (representing a great waste of time on written articles), want shallow product reviews i.e. "buy/rent/avoid" in video rather than in-depth analysis of themes and presentation (So is it a "good" game or not?), and where attention spans are such that no media holds their attention for any significant amount of time; jumping from TV to console game to mobile game to computer game depending on mood, few of them providing the satisfaction those media had in the past?
Bonus Stage 1: What is the end-game for the Giant Bomb wiki? Will it eventually merge with other databases (GameFAQs, etc.) so that release and other data automatically populates, or will it always rely on manual import of information? Any requests/bounties on especially incomplete or empty wiki pages other than Justice Beaver for the SNES?
Bonus Stage 2: What are the rough revenue percentages for Giant Bomb with respect to premium subscriptions, merch, website ads, and Bombcast/Beastcast advertisements? What keeps Giant Bomb afloat the most? The recent podcast ad survey seems like a move to tailor podcast ads to the audience to generate more revenue, what other tailored ad strategies might be explored?
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