Highest Rated Comments

MetasequoiaLeaf178 karma

True story: I read your novelty as "Let me Lego that for you," and expected to see a model of her hand made out of Legos when I clicked the link. Needless to say, I was a bit confused.

MetasequoiaLeaf48 karma

Do you regret all the horrible things you said to that rape victim right here on Reddit a little over a year ago?



MetasequoiaLeaf34 karma

I don't think what I said was all that offensive.

I'm sorry, but that's just despicable.

You mercilessly taunted a rape victim, in comment after comment after comment, attempted to trigger said victim and tried to make them relive the experience. I was trying to give you the opportunity to apologize -- maybe, I thought, after all this time to reflect, you would be willing to admit that what you did and said were horrible and that you maybe felt even the tiniest bit of remorse. But no. You try to frame your deplorable actions as something noble or daring ("gotten into trouble for making controversial remarks" indeed), claim to have no regrets, try to redirect the blame for your own actions onto someone else, and wrap it all up with a dismissive, "It wasn't that bad"??

I have no words, besides "despicable."