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MentalUproar300 karma

Pedophilia is such an interesting problem. On the one hand, it’s wrong to punish a human being for potential crimes. On the other, it’s negligent to wait for sexual abuse to occur before doing anything. Nobody chooses what their into, but what all can you do to ensure both sides are safe and healthy?

Not a pedophile, not pro-pedophilia, but the stigma ruins the lives of other human beings. As uncomfortable as pedophilia makes me, the idea of killing them all off is equally abhorrent to me. Especially since it wouldn’t solve anything. More keep being born so you either do something about the condition or just keep killing people. (I say kill because it’s what many people want, not what actually happens.)

How are people able to research this? Do researchers come across similar stigma as the pedophiles they are researching?

MentalUproar87 karma

Worse, they have more girth than Microsoft ever had. Google has sway over so much, you basically can’t use a modern internet device without tying into them in some way. With Microsoft, they would say you didn’t have a choice but the reality was Apple was always there, and Linux, and BSD, etc.

Microsoft used to say alternatives to their products didn’t exist. Google actively tries to kill them.

MentalUproar60 karma

I can understand the mandatory reporting. The fact is, there really isn’t anything else they can do for them. All they can do is warn others.

I actually had a neighbor who was a registered sex offender once. (It was a ridiculous charge but Megan’s law is to treat every offense the same so I understand why.). His parole officer just made sure there are no toys or sexual material anywhere and made him attend religious meetings. Not helpful at all and in my opinion, it would make potential problems so much worse.

We as a society WANT to do something but we don’t know WHAT to actually do.

MentalUproar49 karma

Because people here don’t want justice. They want vengeance.

MentalUproar18 karma

A bit personal but hardly unique... I have depression and am in my 30s. My libedo is hardly what it was when I was a teenager, and I begrudgingly accept that. But combine that with the effects of depression, low confidence, and medication side effects, it’s difficult to know what causes my libedo to be absolutely pathetic. I still want sex but it’s just too much work to bother with. It’s like a dog chasing a car. What am I supposed to do when I catch the car?

So I guess my question is, what can I do about waning sexual desire? I’m still too young for it to be as anemic as it is. I want to want it, if that makes any sense.