Highest Rated Comments

MeinFuhrerICanStand6 karma

After reading your story I must say you have quite a resilient soul to be able to deal with it in such a good way. I have Tinnitus and when I got it (after going to a bar - music was real loud and I didn't think I would need ear plugs at a bar) I basically cried like a little baby for about 4 days before getting my composure back and getting on with my life. I could not imagine life without sound. Seems like you dealt with it quite well.

MeinFuhrerICanStand5 karma

What is your opinion of the more recent Hoover wind tunnel vacuums? The ones that have a canister and a washable filter - like this.

They worth the money? Worthless? Any better uprights for that kind of $$?

MeinFuhrerICanStand5 karma

Cool - I think I always have had the WUB WUB WUB as long as I remember - but it was only if one ear was completely covered by my pillow. The Tinnitus was real bad though. Thought I was going insane. I now sleep with a loop recording of raindrops on a window to get to sleep, otherwise - its NO sleep. 0_0. Its real nice that you have your family supporting you. Haven't had much here so I tend to keep it to myself.