Highest Rated Comments

MeanwhileInSAfrica35 karma

Thanks for doing this, big fan of your work!

  • As someone thats used Ogre3d, it was great seeing a popular game being released that used the engine when TL1 first came out. I'd love to know what some of the challenges were that you guys faced when working with it, both for TL1 and TL2

  • Where do you see the industry in 10 years time, given how popular independant games have become in recent years.


MeanwhileInSAfrica2 karma

I've been following Grim Dawn for a long time, and still play TQ/IT often with friends, 7 years later and the game still shines with quality. With all the bullshit the big game studios are serving up (and charging a fortune for), Indy game studios are something the game industry direly needs.

I love what you're doing with Grim Dawn, so I hope you get 5x your funding goal to make the game as awesome as possible and continue to make games after release.