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Mckitten973 karma

I volunteer in an aquatic toxicology lab at my university + taking a fisheries management and fish ecology course. I also do some outreach education and community events with my university AFS and local non-profit orgs. There’s a lot about freshwater science that needs attention, especially because it’s such a limited resource. Do you feel like fish ecology, aquatic tox, and limnology are good fields for recent graduates to begin working in? From your perspective, are these fields growing and becoming more inclusive and diverse too? - sincerely a young woman graduating with my bachelors of science in ecology this fall, thanks!

Mckitten972 karma

Awesome, that is interesting. I would like to go into the same field myself and am currently in college for software engineering but animate and make art on the side. Thanks for your response, you do great work! :)

Mckitten972 karma

Do you have a bachelors in anything art related? (Vfx, animation, etc