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MaximumCameage721 karma

I just looked at his post history and was surprised that A) that's really him, and B) he posts a lot for a celebrity. And some of it's pure shitposting.

MaximumCameage412 karma

It's weird to me that NOBODY shouted "there's a shooter! Run!" at you as they ran past. Even if they don't know the situation, a simple"bad shit! Run!" would do. I wonder if anyone walked into that situation and was hurt/killed because no one warned them.

MaximumCameage289 karma

That was on Comedy Central I think yesterday. I love how you later use that episode's events to explain why Fry's brain is... different.

"I did do the nasty in the pasty."

MaximumCameage233 karma

I worked for Game Crazy during the end times. We all grabbed what we wanted and hid it until it dropped in price enough during liquidation to buy it which was super frowned upon. We didn't give a shit be ause 1) your poor company management cost me my crappy job and 2) what are you gonna do? Fire me a month earlier than you were gonna so anyway? Fuck outta here with that.

I got a PSP for 30 bucks, and a bunch of Wii games and accessories that were never touched since. I wish I got more, but the Nintendo stuff was the only brand name stuff we had at the time. They stopped sending us any decent inventory before the liquidation was announced. I wasn't going to buy Mad Catz shit.

MaximumCameage31 karma

But they did ask.