Highest Rated Comments

MaxFreedomMoussa1323 karma

I used to date a stripper (female) and she told me male customers are usually pretty respectful and aren't allowed to touch but females with male strippers are like packs of monkeys and grope constantly. She told me this when I joked about being a male stripper, tbh didn't put me off much... but sadly I never did it haha

MaxFreedomMoussa242 karma

Need way more proof. This dude has done 8 IAMA's with nothing but a picture of a 1% patch obviously loves attention.

MaxFreedomMoussa238 karma

Minimum a dollar probably more.

MaxFreedomMoussa236 karma

Just as much as I love orange soda.

This is what I came here for! Haha.

MaxFreedomMoussa132 karma
