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MattExplosm2235 karma

None. I'm gonna make this easy and just quote Louis CK from his AMA:

I like joking about everything. This will sound too lofty because it is. This is going to an extreme to make a point: Saying a subject is too awful or painful to joke about is like saying a disease is too awful to be treated. Please do not take that out of context, the context being that I realize this is a crazy statement and I’m going to an extreme to make a point.

I've always felt as long as the joke is worth the subject matter and you're not outright belittling the subject matter, anything is fair game.

In fact, we've had hatemail from people who were angry about making comics about cancer because somebody close to them was going through chemotherapy. At the same time, though, we were getting emails from people who they themselves were going through chemo thanking us for the exact same comics because it made this heavy thing they're dealing with a little bit lighter. One dude actually brought his tumor in a little vial to a con to show it to us! That dude was a badass.

MattExplosm1452 karma

Wasn't it near the end of some path that used to have a bridge or something? I remember getting to a dead end right around a corner, I think.

Think of this like some weird international scavenger hunt for public places we've defaced with crude stick figure drawings.

MattExplosm1419 karma

Dave's sleep deprivation is actually quite a hindrance to the rest of us. He tosses and turns in bed and keeps the rest of us awake all damn night.

MattExplosm1223 karma

The very next comic, this one, got a lot of negativity, too. With Kris' previous comic, people thought my "Last Week at Explosm HQ" was saying this was the last week Explosm would continue for. I was just saying this is what it was like the previous week writing really sad comics!

MattExplosm810 karma

This one for sure. I couldn't stop giggling the entire time I was making it. And then a kiwi short filmmaker made it into a live action short, too!