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MathematicianPast1701597 karma

The tech guy turns them off :)

MathematicianPast1701335 karma

Probably having a swarm of kids start calling me Mickey Mouse while in the suit, I was very confused and trying to stay in character. They started following me to the closet where I had to get out of the suit. I was scared when they started hitting and punching me and my manager had to save me … definitely not my best moment but looking back it was really funny.

MathematicianPast1701175 karma

This made me laugh really hard omg

MathematicianPast1701092 karma

Yeah, I’ve made a few kids cry while in the suit. Lots of children running away and screaming while I’ve been in the suit. There’s also a lot of adults who are scared of it too lol

MathematicianPast170899 karma

Every hour or so they get wiped down with disinfectant. (Sometimes more if we are bored) but then at closing they get wiped down very carefully with hot soapy water