Highest Rated Comments

Matato05131878 karma

Well they don't really care at all they carry on business as usual. Sometimes they will try to make you feel a little better throwing a promotion here and there but at the end the higher ups only care about themselves.

Matato05131214 karma

*Cue classical music or funky music with a comcast ad every 30 seconds *

Matato05131057 karma

That's why I'm trying to keep my identity hidden. Highly doubt this could be traced back to me.

Matato05131034 karma

Haven't been the same for quite a while now, I haven't been performing as well as I have been before, honestly I stopped caring due to most of the bs we as representatives have to deal with not with customers but with the higher ups.

Matato0513957 karma

Gather round children for this is a long story: Back when I was young and happy, there was a team of 30 people called sales force (to this day I hate the name) we were basically the best of the best of the best sir! And February of 2013 was when that team was the best in the world for sales with a close rate of about 25 sales per 100 calls that came in (to give a point of comparison there's people that can't even do 1 sale in whole month) me personally on a bad day I'd make about 5 and personal record being 18 in one day. That month we got so much money and we went and partied like there was no tomorrow that was on a weekend and blew most of our money off on alcohol and illegal substances and women we even went to the beach and skinny dipped on a private beach at 4 am and we bought weed from the little 12 year old girl at a gas and honestly don't remember half the trip I just know I'm going to hell for it.