Highest Rated Comments

Masterjts30 karma

It varries place to place. The local on you could pick up but not dine in unless you had a kid with you.

Masterjts3 karma

In the FPS combat will there be generic weapons or will there be a wide variety of weapons/upgrades. Will we have to buy our personal weapons the same way we would buy our ship upgrades? What other types of equipment do you envision for the FPS aspect. Is there any game you are basing your vision of the FPS aspect on?

Masterjts3 karma

How does this app compare to sync pro?

Masterjts2 karma

I really hate the play like books. It's jarring for me. It works with TV and etc because you can focus on who is talking but for a book where your mind is making most of the picture having the voice significantly change jarrs me out of the book.

On top of that the more people you have reading the more likely you will have one or more duds who ruin the performance.

In some cases it works for books like the wheel of time where they had a male and female narrator. Sometimes the guy narrates the women and vice versa. It seems like it would be hard to follow but my mine just linked everything just fine. But with a full cast dramatic reading... I hate it and wish they would stop doing them.