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MaskedDoc53 karma

What you described is sexual abuse. Since it is bothering you so much I would recommend talking to someone about it. How about starting with a school counselor? People talk to me all the time about sexual abuse and rape. It's very hard for them to open up but once they've done it usually they feel better. Us mental health professionals are trained to help people with this issue.

MaskedDoc33 karma

Doctors and healthcare professionals are terrible patients. You can't see yourself objectively. If I worked in tech and needed to fix my own PC that would be a piece of cake. However it doesn't work like that in healthcare. You can't diagnose yourself.

MaskedDoc30 karma

Lots of people come to see me and I tell them they don't need meds. I tell them strategies for coping which could include exercise and therapy. I've dealt with drug reps in the past. They come to your workspace and give you lots of expensive free food. Obviously it works in some way. I haven't seen a drug rep in over 5 years and have no desire to see one. I've never felt pressured to prescribe anything. I would say they influence prescribers if that makes sense.

MaskedDoc25 karma

Find a professional to talk with there has to be someone in your area- doctor, religious minister. These are common issues in any culture or society.

MaskedDoc21 karma

You've got to get comfortable with being vulnerable and opening up. People fear appearing weak but the reality is getting help is a sign of strength. You have to be able to tell your therapist when you feel it isn't going right. Tell your therapist, I'm not sure I like you or I don't feel this is going in the right direction and that opens doors to go somewhere you have never been:)