Highest Rated Comments

MasAcra220 karma

Dear EpicLLOYD!

My favorite 'burn' lyric from ERB was from Stephen Hawking vs. Albert Einstein: "There are ten million million million million million million million million million particles in the universe that we can observe Your mama took the ugly one's and put them into one nerd"

What is yours?

MasAcra15 karma

Wow! This is pretty sweet, I used to work there in the summer of 2015, also in Merchandise, mostly on Ride Photo in Dominator and Intimidator :) Is there a lot of Europeans in the park this year? Who's your supervisor, maybe I know her? Do you know a Catie Harris who works on those carts that sell toys? Did you just make this thread because you were really bored at work and couldn't stand it anymore? I know that feeling haha :) What's the shittiest interaction with a customer that you've had?

MasAcra2 karma

This might be a weird question maybe, but I would really appreciate if you answer it. Although I was raised by the same family all through my life (21 now) we've traveled around quite a bit, and every time I was in a new country or environment I felt like had to adapt my identity to socially fit in. So my question to you is, how has having to adapt to so many different people and families influenced who you are now? Do you feel something of an identity crisis sometimes, or did the different families just reinforce who you are - at what point point did you decide you just can't compromise on things that are important to you any longer? Sorry if this sounds weird, it's just something that's REALLY been on my mind recently and I thought I'd ask