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Martholomeow397 karma

So eat a lot of mushroom and cheese omelettes?

Martholomeow100 karma

They didn't investigate far right extremism either. They investigated YouTube's algorithms and came to the conclusion that those algorithms suggest far right extremist content. It's not the investigators fault that the result of their investigation revealed a bias in the algorithms.

Martholomeow10 karma

What is it like in these camps?

Martholomeow5 karma

There have been a few reports of people in their thirties dying of COVID-19. (Li Wenliang, the doctor in Wuhan who first reported the disease comes to mind.)

Why do some people who aren’t considered very old die from this virus, yet others recover? Also, once you recover are you now immune to catching it again?

Martholomeow4 karma

I can't believe all the trolls on here asking this same dumb question. What about antifa?!

Antifa is by definition against cops, so why would you expect members of antifa to become cops? Lol