Highest Rated Comments

MarkRLevin55 karma

Hi, chaz91w

The Second Amendment is obviously part of the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights were ratified to protect the citizenry from a potentially oppressive federal government. The purpose of immigration is to improve the existing society. There is nothing contradictory, irrational, or uncompassionate about instituting immigration policies that have as their intended purpose the protection of the public. Our nation has never had open-ended immigration, where anyone from anywhere is free to enter our country. It's just common sense to more thorough scrutinize individuals who seek to come to America from parts of the world that are hostile to our country; especially under circumstances where our immigration vetting-process is defective and ISIS is secreting its terrorists among refugees. Thus, there is no disconnect.

MarkRLevin53 karma

Hi, allenthird

Your points are excellent! I think that the biggest problem is that the modern republican party has abandoned conservative and constitutional principles. The reason they can't message is because they don't have a message worth telling. I believe Ronald Reagan was right in 1977 when he said we need a new republican party. Nothing is more true today! Conservatives must take back the GOP.

MarkRLevin47 karma

Hi, DEYoungRepublicans

Actually, Rand Paul was a guest on my show last night. As regular listeners know, I don't have a constant line of guests on my radio show. It is also not my job, or inclination, to be a special pleader for any candidate. At some point, I will make my endorsement. As for Rand, I like him very much. Although, I do not agree with him in every respect.

Hi /r/Conservative and /r/Republican!

MarkRLevin35 karma

Hi, adament001

The Israeli people seek nothing but their own freedom and survival. They have the military capacity to destroy any of the surrounding countries as well as the Palestinian authorities. They have not started a single war in which they have fought. They have protected the rights of Arabs and Palestinians who live within their borders and respect all religious groups as well. If you cannot figure this out by now, then let me suggest you work a little harder at educating yourself.

Chase: Shh bby is ok

MarkRLevin32 karma

Hi, SharpieThunderflare

I don't believe conservatism and electability are mutually exclusive. In fact, let me suggest that conservative principles, properly communicated and related to everyday circumstances, is how republicans can with the presidency. How many more times will we run establishment candidates who lose until we learn our lesson? On radio, I often say: If you're under 45-years-old, you've never had an opportunity to vote for a conservative for president. That's pretty remarkable when you consider that the candidate who won two landslide elections was Ronald Reagan.