Highest Rated Comments

Marcellusk6992 karma

So, how much sex were the athletes having with each other? Does it happen as often as people think it does?

Marcellusk757 karma

I did, however, witness some Swiss notoriously hang around the rec center picking up chicks every night.

Hey beooteeffool, vuoold yuoo leeke-a sume-a chuculete-a? I hefe-a sume-a beck in my ruum.

Marcellusk92 karma

I'm imagining secret Russian breeder women athletes sent on a mission to get impregnated by some Jamaicans.

Marcellusk59 karma

I did not know about Jonathan Coulton until I saw this. Decided to Youtube and and I'm pleasantly surprised.

Marcellusk41 karma

Yea, I would have to agree on this. People on Reddit, sitting being a computer screen, can be VERY judgmental and quick to jump to negative conclusions. As a matter of fact, this is something that you're already seeing.

Just hope that your situation improves over time and that the pain of this moment eventually fades away.