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ManagerNoOperate2 karma

My mother worked in housekeeping at a home for years and just retired. I know it’s a hard job! Thank you so much for what you do! You deserve a raise!

ManagerNoOperate2 karma

Are you trying to reach your state reps or federal? I would start with your state reps because they’re easier to catch in person. Find out if they hold town halls/office hours and show up. Ours usually have their schedules on their websites or in the local paper. Also, a lot of times they will show up at your local Chamber of Commerce events or ribbon cuttings. These are usually open to the public. Or go to your local township/borough meetings and talk to your elected officials after the meetings. They will likely be in the chain and can connect you with the next level up. Or a staffer for your state senate may be there. The staffers are the gatekeepers to your actual reps. Start at the bottom. Good luck to you and thank you for sharing your story!