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ManInBlack1053833 karma

To be brutally honest - yes, at the worst moments, it is an option. Anything to kill the pain. Now that I am on O2 therapy and we are stabilizing the daily attacks, that has helped. Sometimes, when you are in a three day attack with no relief, it does seem like the only route, but most of the time it actually makes you appreciate the good moments more.

ManInBlack1053829 karma

Ive heard they work, but not tried them yet. I rule out nothing. I would inject heroin directly into my eyeball during an attack if you said that it would help!

I will look into this though - thank you for taking the time to let me know.

ManInBlack1053828 karma

I have some basic triggers (dehydration, tiredness etc) but not the usual migraine triggers like food, coffee, paint, perfume etc. My family are ace - my wife is a white witch in that she can see it in me before I can, so if I listen to her, and hit the O2 quickly, then I can get on with my life. The kids are 11 and just accept it as part of like. Kids are so resilient. They started about 15 years ago (see post below)

TL DR: Wife is amazing!

ManInBlack1053825 karma

Thanks for the kind words - have an upvote. Zomig is amazing, but can only use two per 24 hour period :-( O2 is also fantastic. Sorry your dad also suffered, it is not fun. From a dad point of view, how did it affect you seeing your dad like that? - I always worry when my kids see their superman in vulnerable mode.

I am getting nerve injections that help, but I will need to look more into the surgery option - thanks for taking the time to let me know.

ManInBlack1053819 karma

No, fraid not. Its complete zombie state. Lying in bed, crying, waiting for the pain to pass, cant cook, hard time walking, dont really feel like eating or drinking. This can lead to problems in the longer ones because you have to keep hydrated, but IF you just dont drink any fluids when you are in one - then this just extends your cluster period! (EDITED for clarity, my typo, sorry!)

thanks for the kind words - its just one of these things. Its not terminal, and I need to keep in mind that there are people out there who receive worse news than this on a daily basis.