Highest Rated Comments

Malsententia384 karma

What's your favorite alcoholic beverage?

Malsententia15 karma

got a source on that? I highly doubt shadow bans are automatic. Maybe suggested by routine in the code and reviewed by humans, but purely automatic shadowbans sounds quite unlikely.

Malsententia5 karma

Malsententia5 karma

They could easily know, via tracking how people were referred to a page before they voted. Quite easy to see how people got to a given page. Even then, afaik, the "np" thing was a purely user-made solution. one can put any two letter thing as the sub domain. The np thing (again, if I remember correctly) just was subredditdrama's solution to help prevent brigading, by having subreddits use css that depended on the lang="np" that gets put in the html tag when you change the subdomain up, to hide the arrows, display warnings, etc. Of course, this is not to say that the admins might not be using this now on top of regular referrals, to help them find brigaders(brigadiers?), just that their monitoring of brigading certainly isn't dependent on np.


Malsententia1 karma

Best of mane 6, best background pony. Sounds good to me.