Highest Rated Comments

MakesErrorsWorse177 karma

Why doesn't Excel have gantt charts?

I wrote a VBA script to draw gantt charts, using each cell as 1 month. So its not a technical limitation.

MakesErrorsWorse8 karma

And then the French empire spread modern ideas of equality and political ideologies across the world. And the revolution inspired others such as the American Revolution.

No revolution is roses and sunshine. Turned out okay though i think.

MakesErrorsWorse3 karma

...it did though didn't it? "French Revolution - Wikipedia" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_Revolution

MakesErrorsWorse1 karma

There are more Democrats or people who agree with their policies than there are Republicans or people who agree with... whatever it is they do.

If the US had a free and fair electoral system the Republican party as it is presently constituted would probably never hold government again.

Americans are a bit tunnel visioned - the political right the Republicans represent is a fringe lunacy position most other places. AOC would be kind of moderate in Canada as an example.