Highest Rated Comments

MainAccount2 karma

First off, the American idea of hell which most non-Christians interpret as the dominant theory or understand of the afterlife - eternal conscious torment - is not the predominant understanding of the afterlife for most of history. Sure, there are passages in the bible that seem to indicate that, but there are just as many that indicate "hell" is a ceasing to exist in any way, or that the mercy of God has no bounds and in the eternal we all come to know and love God.

Personally, I think it is mostly the third, with a smattering of the second for those that truly wish no relationship with God. He won't force it on you, it is your choice. With this understanding, Hell ceases to be punitive and becomes redemptive. It is the painful process by which we come to understand the impact of our sins and come to terms with just how broken we actually are, even those of us that do believe in Jesus here on Earth.

The eternal fire and brimstone Hell that is popularized in many new (younger than 300 years old) branches of Christianity just doesn't have the prevalence in history that it has today. I think that the prevalence it has today seriously harms the message that Jesus brought:

Love Love God - that which is eternal, greater than you, and first loved you - with all your hearth, soul and mind. Love your neighbor as yourself.

Anyone who isn't doing those things and yet claim to be a Christian... well, some people are wrong, and some are jerks.

MainAccount2 karma

So, I'm of the opinion that this was specifically done to be caught and have dozens of articles with pictures of both Michelle Obama and Melania Trump shown side by side.

The reasoning is that it creates an association between Melania Trump and The First Lady role.

You simply can't buy that kind of marketing. You have to create a way for it to be produced for you earnestly, if foolishly.

So, yeah, it was plagiarized specifically from the current First Lady with a known intent and desired effect.


MainAccount1 karma

How does this have 5800 upvotes 8 hours after the ama ended.

154 comments at the time of posting, none with anywhere close to the threads upvotes.

Buying upvotes, POLTICO?