Highest Rated Comments

MacaroniThatCheese6 karma

This film attempted the contrary imo, it helped the hedge funds narrative that squeeze is squoze. I wouldn't imagine any of them would push back.

MacaroniThatCheese3 karma

The film does portray that narrative, he won't give a straight answer and gives a Damage control response in other threads, has some cronies downvoting anything that is not positive about this poorly produced/rushed film

MacaroniThatCheese2 karma

Was the film your idea, or was it pitched to you? Or more so what made you decide to go all out on this film? How difficult was it to get funding for the film?

MacaroniThatCheese-2 karma

What criteria did you use to determine these people are "OG's"? I've actually never heard of them until now. I don't use social media to look for reliable information. Hope you don't as well.

MacaroniThatCheese-6 karma

Please don't make a sequel, leave it to a better director who doesn't rush a project just to have first-mover advantage.

Also be more straightforward with your answer instead of fluffing it with safe answers to try to provide damage control for your burning film. In the film you clearly showed the theme you or these "OG's" believe has happened. Squeeze has squoze, you can say it. You already filmed it and released that to the public. Which seems even the general public find it difficult to understand with your docu style.