Highest Rated Comments

MOOMANiBE65 karma

Hey, big fan and a gamedev myself.

  1. What made you decide to go with a huge expansion like this rather than, say, diving right into your next project?
  2. At this point, with two successful games behind you, does starting a new XCOM project still feel like the huge, scary risk it was during development of the first game?
  3. With such a huge expansion, were there any interesting features you ended up cutting? (similar to random maps w/xcomEU)
  4. What's the most challenging part of working with the XCOM setting?
  5. Could you ever see yourself doing a civ-coloniation style spinoff that focuses on a micro element of the XCOM experience?

MOOMANiBE24 karma

Do you plan to quit your day jobs and work on your next game full-time if (more like when) Octodad is successful? Or do you prefer the stability?

MOOMANiBE6 karma

Sean - What was the philosophy behind Anodyne's surprisingly expansive, but mostly unhinted-at postgame?

Lars - Has the time spend translating DQ1 into other languages paid off? Additionally, of all your updates, what do you think was the most valuable thing you added to DQ, post-release?

Kevin - Why can't I find anywhere to buy your music standalone? Bandcaaaamp? :D

Daniel - What's your core philosophy in adding things to NEO Scavenger? What are your big priorities at the moment?

MOOMANiBE5 karma

You mention you started games music in 2008 - fairly recent! Were you composing for other media prior to that, or were you in another line of work entirely?

MOOMANiBE3 karma

Wow, lotta stuff. It's so interesting to me that story is now a focus, as I've only ever seen the very beginnings of the DMC plotline due to a focus on survival. Is this gonna be extending the 'core' storyline, or more standalones like Zom Zom's?