Highest Rated Comments

MJBrune246 karma

Quality content from the taco bell C-E-O. Now I see why they are the only restaurant around in 2032.

MJBrune76 karma

Vote for a better government. If you don't see it then be it.

MJBrune36 karma

This is how I thought about it growing up because my father explained that sleeping after learning something allows you to recall it a lot better. It's a huge thing on all the tests and etc. Don't stay up studying. Study a bit and sleep.

MJBrune25 karma

Wait so you aren't impartial because you are actively selling a competing product?

MJBrune19 karma

So I thought about this when I was in school. I went after the 100k jobs but I also considered the fact that education is a lot different than the real world.

Some have said that universities give you 3-4 years experience to put on your resume which isn't true. Positions out there asking for 3-4 years experience means real industry experience.

So I actually found it easier to go right into Comcast after getting a couple of certs at Community College than do a Masters. I went into the job aside another hire with a CS Master's from UW Seattle Campus.

In fact it took less time to get a 100k job by getting industry experience than it did to complete a masters degree.

Edit: I should add I thought about this when I was STARTING community college. I was considering going for a masters. In the end I went for a few certifications and got real world experience.