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MILeft91 karma

For those of us who have actually endured the surgery for joint replacements and bone repairs and also have to endure being x-rayed in a booth in public to board the planes and still have to jam ourselves into the sardine-can seats, I protest this recommendation on ethical grounds.

MILeft30 karma

What is the best part of being a woman "of a certain age"?

MILeft18 karma

Thanks for the terrific photos and great narrative of events. I am assuming that "trek" is the same as "trail," and that the wonderful folks who helped you will be without an income until the trails are rebuilt. I wish everyone well.

My question is about the infrastructure of the highways and rail systems. I traveled to Kathmandu from India by narrow guage rail in 1970, and I understand that the line was closed last year and is going to be replaced by a sturdier rail system, which is being financed by India. Based on this information, I am wondering if there are navigable roads "down the mountain," or is air travel the only safe way out of the country right now?

MILeft4 karma

It sounds like you still love what you do, and I find that very inspirational. Thank you!

MILeft3 karma

In a past life, I was a VISTA volunteer at a Legal Aid Society in Kentucky. One of the cases pursued involved the fact that it was not necessary for someone to hold the title of a car in order to sell it. This resulted in small car lots receiving stolen cars, selling them to poor people, and then reporting the cars stolen to local police, who would arrest the buyers; so the buyers would not only lose their cars, but become criminals as well.

I believe that this scenario was remedied by the state requiring car dealers to have titles in hand before selling the cars in stock.

Is there a similar "simple" solution that would make it possible for people who want to carry cash around with them (foolish as that seems to me) and would prevent it from being seized by the police? For example, if I withdraw a large quantity of cash from my bank, wouldn't the teller's receipt be enough to show that I have "legal custody" of that cash?