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MHM503529 karma

Does the evidence you need tend to come from murder a they’ve already committed? Or is someone suspected and then procedures are put in place to catch them (like more/earlier/different chemical tests)?

MHM503516 karma

“I have a question.”

“Haha not really!”

MHM503510 karma

Being defensive about this is not the way to go. Apology is. And that “purity criteria” you’re referring to is commonly known as “ethics.”

MHM50358 karma

I appreciate you making my point for me. Have a nice day.

MHM50356 karma

I’m not sure if you’re just making a joke or if you actually think it’s ok to speak to a professional like this with the clearly limited amount of knowledge you have. Either way, you sound like an idiot to anyone who knows anything about medicine.