Highest Rated Comments

MF_Bfg129 karma

Poor little Pinkus

MF_Bfg26 karma

MF_Bfg8 karma

I believe he answered a nitrogen-related question below.

MF_Bfg2 karma

Say I have an idea for a game, but no development experience whatsoever. How do I approach a company like yours in hopes of making the game a reality?

I assume it would be helpful to have the pretzel moneys to back the idea?

MF_Bfg2 karma

Yeah, I came on here because I was thinking about it. A little harsh indeed and not really how I want to represent myself on reddit.

Immediately calling my ideas shit because I asked a question in an AMA was a really crappy thing to do. You didn't even try to explain why my question might be naive, or offensive to professionals in your field. You just shit on it and made assumptions about me. Still, I should have been more adult in my response.

Good luck to you, u/shooshx