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MDesigner239 karma

I have BioWare to thank for having me stick around on all three games. ;)

1) With ME1, it was quite a bit of info. Obviously, supreme amounts, as it was a new IP at the time and we had to get brought up to speed. I still have the Mass Effect source book, basically an encyclopedia of all the characters, alien races, corporations, ships, etc. etc. Goes into excruciating detail.

In general though, once I was acquainted with the story and the musical style we were shooting for, enough info is given on each level or cinematic to give me a sense of context and mood/feel. I work best with "mood words." Gimme a plot run-down on what's happening, and some words like "heroic, tinged with sadness, like it's the last push" and I can usually run with that. BioWare is good about not giving me a reference track and saying "copy this!" They usually send me tracks and say "we like the feel of this tune, see what you can come up with."

2) I was given a full account of what the entire ending was about ahead of time, definitely. My jaw pretty much hit the floor when I found out I was going to be scoring the scene where (ME3 spoiler) Anderson dies.

3) Tough one! "I Was Lost Without You" is up there for sure. Of course, the Mass Effect main theme is pretty crucial too, as it's used throughout the trilogy here and there. I can't pick just one, honestly. :)

4) It's hard to find time lately, but I try! I seem to have more time for quick mobile games where I can sit down for 30 mins during a break and kill some time or decompress. I have less time for the longer, epic games (Skyrim!). I did play Skyrim and beat it, loved it. On my list once I'm done with Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition & this other project of mine: Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Max Payne 3, Batman: Arkham City. Probably more I can't think of.

MDesigner188 karma

It's NDA/secret material, sorry. :)

MDesigner157 karma


  1. A fair amount of the orchestral stuff in Mass Effect is inspired to some extent by the work of Jerry Goldsmith. Casey Hudson (Mass Effect project director) is a Goldsmith fan, so quite a few reference tracks that were sent my way were from the Star Trek films or Alien.

  2. Somewhere in between. I want the music I'm writing for BGEE to sound "Baldur's Gatey" enough to where people will hear it and think of Baldur's Gate and not just some generic fantasy RPG. There are certain musical signatures Hoenig used that I too am using. At the same time, though, every composer has their own style, so I'm branching out a bit from Hoenig's sound and making BGEE my own.

  3. "OK Computer" by Radiohead. "Violator" by Depeche Mode. Skyrim, Mass Effect 3, Assassin's Creed 2. "Fleet Foxes" and "Sun Giant EP" by Fleet Foxes.. oops, you said three. ;) I had the Normandy drop off a few more.

  4. Tough one! I always romance Liara. But I always like hanging & chatting with Garrus.

MDesigner149 karma

Heck yeah! /r/masseffect is in my top bar along with /r/baldursgate. :) I browse both from time to time.

Luck is a small aspect I think. I mean, I think there's something to being in the right place at the right time. But there's a lot to it that's just perseverance and staying positive.

I went into detail about how I got into the industry here: http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/uan3a/i_am_sam_hulick_composer_on_the_mass_effect/c4tqqkx

MDesigner148 karma

Elder Scrolls. Didn't even have to think about that one. :) But I know Jeremy Soule is pretty firmly rooted on that franchise. The best I could probably hope for is to collaborate with him on it, but pretty slim chances there. It's nice to dream. :)

And in a totally different direction, there are a handful of indie games I've seen that have caught my eye and I wouldn't mind writing music for.