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MBDowd9 karma

Hey, Ursula...good to see you here, dear one!

(I'm a regular contributor on r/collapse and have engaged in two reddit AMA sessions myself, in Nov 2020 and just a few months ago.)

Two questions (these come from both me and Connie):

(1) What do you see as some of the more important gifts (or contributions) that a Religious Naturalist worldview can offer someone contemplating the ongoing and unstoppable collapse of the biosphere and industrial civilization?

(2) Many religious naturalists still, in my experience, hold to the civil religion of perpetual progress. I'm curious... what is your sense of our (ecological / climatological / societal) predicament -- and of the coming years and decades, should we have that long?

MBDowd6 karma

Wow, thanks! (This response allows me to infer your response to the more in-depth questions. NNTR to them.)

Connie and I could hardly be further from your sense of things; and that's okay. :-) If you're interested in our perspective, my recent 50-minute presentation for the Canadian Association for the Club of Rome, "The Big Picture: Beyond Hope and Fear" is the best articulation of my/our RN sense of things. (This post covers similar ground in text form.)

At some future date, if you're game, Connie and I would enjoy discussing the above video with you. (But it's totally okay with us if you're not interested).

Love you!

P.S. Just noticed your comment about your older brother winning the Nobel Prize for lithium batteries. Awesome!! When I read that aloud to Connie, her response was, "Wow, given that, of course she can't be a doomer or post-doomer. She has to be a techno-optimist... good for her!" :-)

MBDowd3 karma

Ursula, not sure if you didn't see my previous two questions or just have no interest in responding to them.

So I'll simplify what I'm asking...

Q: How does your religious naturalist worldview help you understand and emotionally cope with challenges of our times?

MBDowd2 karma

Wonderful, u/OpportunitySevere594!

Thanks for letting me know!! (And thanks for sharing how a RN worldview helps you, too!)

MBDowd1 karma

It matters not. We're all toast anyway. :-)