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MATSE_Tim651 karma

Yes, I use a normal iPhone 8. "Settings -> accessibility -> VoiceOver" - integrated screen reader. DO NOT switch this on without looking up the VO gestures first. tap turns into a double tap for instance if VO is on.

I connect my phone to a braille display to read what's onscreen (basically).

MATSE_Tim638 karma

Biggest source of positivity were my friends and family, unafraid to kick my ar arse when I needed it sometimes. One once basically yelled at me: "If you don't tell your parents you're suicidal I will! I have no desire to stand at your grave anytime soon!"

My school wasn't prepared, but the German government payed for my equipment, and also for the integration assistant and spoken to written translators.

MATSE_Tim518 karma

Sure! Usher is pretty common, most deafblind people I know have it. But I don't.

MATSE_Tim453 karma

Hmmm... Didn't check the weather app... Opened a window during a massive storm... picture with metal frame fell from the wall and sliced my foot pretty deep.

Spent the evening in ER, got stitches, and even though it healed great at first it now got infected. Hallelujah!

Oh, and mould. I swear, I didn't know one has to store onions in an open box...

MATSE_Tim370 karma

They are to absorb sounds. Reduce echoing, increase the likelihood that I'll understand what people say.

I do have solely decorative items though, such as a box filled with shells from Thailand. We're just humans. We want beauty and souvenirs just as much as the rest of you :-)