Highest Rated Comments

MARZalmighty42 karma

Many worry about the cost of NOT having such measures.

MARZalmighty42 karma

How often do you use "cotton pickin" as an adjective?

MARZalmighty27 karma

How many hoes you got?

MARZalmighty2 karma

About six years ago I moved out of an apartment complex. I cleaned the entire place, but left dryer and tv in there because I was on the third floor and moving out without help. I got charged with a cleaning fee, disposal fee for the two items I left (which I know for damn sure weren't thrown away), they claimed to replace the refrigerator (which was already old and still worked properly), and for replacing the carpet. The charges came to almost 5k, which I refuse to pay. The debt was sold and the original apartments have since been sold as well. Any luck this falls off my credit at 7 years or is it resold to another company?

MARZalmighty2 karma

Does the term "Redskins" offend you?