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Lurking-My-Life-Away7 karma

What's your favorite breakfast cereal?

Lurking-My-Life-Away4 karma

Thanks for this AMA Michael!

I am currently am engineer at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant in New Mexico. Your documentary Pandora's Promise had a short clip of the Remote Handling bay here at WIPP. It was interesting to see my workplace in a pro-nuclear documentary.

I have a degree in nuclear engineering so I am aware of the science and safety behind the technology. My question is this: given the economic costs associated with reprocessing nuclear fuel (France spends billions per year for reprocessing), would you rather see the fuel recycling technologies be developed to possibly make reprocessing cheaper or see the fuel placed into a permanent repository like WIPP?

Lurking-My-Life-Away4 karma

Michael will most likely have an awesome answer to this but Google for "Palo Verde Nuclear cooling water" it is fascinating how that plant gets its cooling supply.

Lurking-My-Life-Away2 karma

Why is the Linux client only available for Debian based systems? I personally know more linux users who dine use Debian based systems than those which do use Debian.

Lurking-My-Life-Away1 karma

Waste Control Specialist in west Texas have applied for an NRC license for 100 years of above ground storage. Do you think it is wise to move the waste to one central location where it can be monitored and secured or would you feel more safe about the waste leaving it where it currently sits?