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LucyRoessler5753 karma

they also gave him a huge penis. I like when real life and TV life come together. ;)

Damn Jerry, you such a pimp.

LucyRoessler155 karma

A lot of people make that decision while in law school. Knew some financing people who just went back to their financing careers but now they had the JD in their backpocket. I know a girl who got hired during our 3rd year as a lobbyist (she had worked in government prior to law school). I think she ended up taking the bar like 2 years later but when we graduated she was needed for a big lobbying effort for her organization and didn't take it. Knew a few guys who got into making good money in the oil & gas business and didn't need to take it. I think a couple of them did but some of them didn't. One guy ended up going back to run his family's farm, no clue why he was at law school in the first place but whatevs. One of the girls sole reason for law school was to be a law school librarian- she was a regular librarian before and I don't think she ever ended up taking the bar.

Those are just the ones off the top of my head, but plenty of others who probably don't have a need for an actual license to practice law.

LucyRoessler20 karma

/r/grilledcheese is leaking. Was it an EFFING MELT?!?!

LucyRoessler6 karma

Jerry, can't wait for the movie! The show was amazing, and this movie is long overdue. I had a personal question though: apart from the usual eat better and workout, was there anything special that really helped you get skinny? And how have you kept off the weight once you lost it?

LucyRoessler6 karma

Ugh fine, I'll ask... What was your epic Italian lasagna challenge?