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Lovethoselittletrees4 karma

Hey Joseph, what's your opinion on the Canadian TV show Schitz Creek?

Lovethoselittletrees3 karma

Do you feel that there are direct links, or pathways of use that lead people from one "gateway" drug to another? I don't believe that Cannabis presents this issue in any way, but what ARE the starting points for children in today's schools? Are we talking about pills such as xanax and other strong opioids? I can't imagine a well adjusted kid starting out with a needle in their arm, but they obviously get from a to b somehow...

Lovethoselittletrees3 karma

Thank you very much for your answer. As a parent with two teens in a school with known drug problems, these answers further our ability as parents to help in the prevention side of things. It is so scary to me that my teen daughter carries a naloxone kit in her backpack because it is such a prevalent issue. Please continue with your efforts and know that many of us out here truly appreciate what you are doing. Much respect to officers like yourselves.

Lovethoselittletrees2 karma

Excellent answer, I truly appreciate tour honesty and open minded approach to your career and how you are doing what you do. Thank you.