Highest Rated Comments

LordDestrus145 karma

Im just guessing but I think they were trying to use complex an emotional and manipulative lens to show you how Karesh was able to generate such a devout following and show you that its easy to misunderstand and give someone benefit of the doubt that they have you in their interests. Maybe I'm giving too much credit to the show but that's how I felt walking away. That his relatively likable portrayal was the ultimate praxis of his intentions. That all his evils started with him coming off like a generous messiah.

LordDestrus51 karma

Im really sorry to hear about this. I actually stopped watching football because of the CTE scandal stuff. I wish there was more I could realistically do as a person to help. I hope you find peace and if you are as eloquent in real life then just explain these things to the people you love and maybe seek therapy? Maybe theres things they can do to help through specialized therapy sessions or something. Wishing you the best.

LordDestrus48 karma

This is an absolutely great question. I hope Gary comes in on this one.

LordDestrus24 karma

Fucking metal. Love your efforts.

LordDestrus2 karma

What is your advice for someone who has been trying to learn Japanese for 10 years on and off with little success?

Advice on someone getting into IT?

What is something you loved about startup work?

What do you do to keep yourself grounded about having a rare brain disease?

Based on your comment responses, you seem like a funny and balanced person. Wishing you the best, give Lou some love for me, and I will go buy your boardgame as it sounds cool.