Highest Rated Comments

LordCloverskull9 karma

Its funny, the election was held while I was going through my service in 2016, and most guys in my unit were horrified of both candidates. It was about 50/50 divide between which was the worse.

LordCloverskull4 karma

Just here to say I absolutely adore the game. It's so goddamn creative and funny. Thank you!

What the hell is up with cousin Marty, though? He is absolutely horrifying and I keep wondering if he's included in every grill set, or if this one is just defective?

LordCloverskull1 karma

As a person with an entrepreneur for a father I can attest that the taxation is way on the retarded side. Definitely moving out after getting through uni.

LordCloverskull0 karma

A great place to grow up in, but don't stick around after you start paying taxes. Also the food is a bit lame and alcohol is expensive as all hell. Overall 6\10.