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LookingAtRocks112 karma

Hey! I follow you on the gram, big fan of your artwork. I've noticed a lot of online courses and art instruction is geared towards younger people who want to do this as a career. I liked doing art in high school, but I set it down for many years before picking it up again in my mid 30s.

What advice would you give to an adult hobbyist who is looking to improve but doesn't necessarily have the large amount of time to dedicate to the craft? Are things like online courses or intensive workshop worth it for people who don't want to take this any further than a hobby?

LookingAtRocks62 karma

The why - Its meditative and I like the flow state. I get a lot of satisfaction out of creating stuff, and the learning process and struggle that goes along with that. Art seems to blend academic knowledge and technique with pure imagination, and that's the appeal.

As to what it means to me - It's getting the stories in my imagination out of my head and on paper. I hear a lot of people complain about getting older, especially nearing 40, but I've only felt that way when I don't let my imagination out to play.