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Look4theHelpers25 karma

Hello! I just busted out laughing hard enough to scare my dog after looking at that sweet mullet, but I do have a question:

What were your favorite parts/views of the Appalachian Trail? Where are the spots that just take you aback and make you appreciate our glorious planet?

Look4theHelpers19 karma

The panel includes firefighters and net neutrality experts, it's right there in the fucking box. It's not an AMA with some kind of rennaissance firefighters.

Look4theHelpers3 karma

Man. I can imagine being absolutely exhausted walking through mosquito-infested overgrowth, absolutely done with hiking, and being rewarded with hardly-seen views such as those.

I can also imagine the cost of all those cans of mousse and hairspray.

Thank you for adding another item to many a Redditor's bucket list.