Highest Rated Comments

Loldude10125 karma

You can find the "neptune prosthetic flipper" which is literally a flipper you strap on your residuum and swim with it (you dont need a socket or any additional liner when using it). it's fantastic and very light. It costs about $100. you can find videos of it in action.

Loldude10111 karma

Since he lost it during a work place accidented did he get good coverage on your health expenses?

Loldude1015 karma

Can you describe your device (what's material it's made of, etc)? Could you also share roughly how much it cost you?

Loldude1013 karma

Thanks for the info, I initially thought the contrary would be true.

Loldude1012 karma

How does your company manage to announce announcements to everyone? Do you have a company email where you receive company news and collaborate with fellow employees?