Highest Rated Comments

Lokitusaborg67 karma

If you weren't in the military or a poaching deterrent, what would you be? Have you always sought out risk?

Lokitusaborg29 karma

We should get Kimmel in on this.

Lokitusaborg14 karma

I am saying he is a bad person. Skipping on child support (you have to pay it even if you're disputing it,) domestic violence (the protection orders for the wife and child,) and other statements OP has made. OP is not a victim here, he is a self-centered deadbeat pothead, and I don't care what downvotes I face saying it. OP get your head out of your ass and be a man, take responsibility for your mistakes, pay your consequences, stop being a victim and start contributing to society.

By the way, just because you served in the armed forces does not entitle you to honor...you must act honorably, and you are not.

Lokitusaborg1 karma

That sort of sticks with you.

Lokitusaborg1 karma

Are there any other projects you’d like to work on? Are you afraid of being typecast?