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Logan_No_Fingers241 karma

Hi Mike,

Re employment report stats, how valid do you think that becomes in a gig economy, zero hours, Amazon warehouse job world?

IE is 3% unemployment - but 50% earning minimum wage & with no benefits better than 7% unemployment? Is there not a huge disconnect (from the view of an Economist) between ultra-low unemployment & low wage inflation?

Logan_No_Fingers36 karma

On that side (Mars), what are the chances that by the time we find bacteria on Mars we can be sure it hasn't been put there by 20 years of uncontrolled & unregulated probes going to Mars?

IE 20 years on, you'd have to assume 4 or 5 countries & 10 private companies will have slammed probes, etc down on Mars multiple times.

Is there like a genome track record or something where we could go "OK, this is 100% not of earth"?

Equally, if something was on the Mars Rover, in 20 years will its DNA (?) still be the same? I'd assume it evolves pretty fast? So It'd look Alienish, but not be.

Logan_No_Fingers19 karma

How much of this is people without actual "real" pain, given opioids without any real due diligence by doctors, and then hooked.

As opposed to people with genuine pain, correctly given medication, then not managed off it.

Because the latter is a public healthcare issue, the former seems like criminal negligence?

Logan_No_Fingers3 karma


Pew put it around 30%

About 20.6 million people (or 30% of all hourly, non-self-employed workers 18 and older) are “near-minimum-wage” workers. We analyzed public-use microdata from the Current Population Survey (the same monthly survey that underpins the BLS’s wage and employment reports), and came up with that estimate of the total number of “near-minimum” U.S. workers – those who make more than the minimum wage in their state but less than $10.10 an hour

It depends whether you use federal minimum, or state by state minimum, or an average across the states