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LightSamus14 karma

Hey Tommy.

Recently, "Video Game Pianist" Martin Leung kinda turned on VGL over on his Facebook page and despite your attempts to talk to him there, he seemed to ignore you. You also mentioned that you tried to contact him personally but nothing. Did anything ever come of that? Big fan of the both of you so to see him take a strange turn was sad.

LightSamus13 karma

Have you ever considered killing off a main character? There's that one bit in Uncharted 3 (that I won't spoil just in case) that I believed actually was the death of a main character and I was oddly disappointed it wasn't real it was done so well.

LightSamus13 karma

Don't you mean Ace Combat?

LightSamus7 karma

Oh wow, that's such a shame.

Thanks for the answer though :)