Highest Rated Comments

LibertarianSocialism1207 karma

Class field trip to Japanese gardens. Gang stops art thieves, the final shipping war ensues as Billy/Moze and Ned/Suzie break up and essentially switch partners, Billy has ultimate redemption, Gordy finally catches the weasel and then makes it the new school mascot, Mr. Sweeney has an awesome moment with Ned wishing him well in high school.

Also, Cookie in boxers.

LibertarianSocialism389 karma

Except Jerry, right?

LibertarianSocialism71 karma

One thing I realized about the show is the characters look so much younger than in Ned's. I feel like that's true of all the new live action nick shows. I don't know if it's just me getting older or not because whenever I rewatch Ned's or especially Drake and Josh they still look older than this new generation of actors.

LibertarianSocialism63 karma

Complete amateur who has written both novels and screenplays for fun. But to me the Hardest thing is, as a novelist, it's easy to lose yourself in the descriptions and actions of a script and completely forget you're supposed to be writing mainly dialogue, whereas its the other way around with a novel.

LibertarianSocialism33 karma

Is there anything special you can tell us about Age of Ultron? Like a teaser? If not, then is RDJ actually that attractive or does he have some weird freaky thing going on where the camera adds ten levels of hotness?

Nevermind. I'm tired as hell and read "Scarlett Johansson."