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Level-Three2 karma

The top players in Japan still have the luxury of playing in arcades and from what I take from being in Japan is that since they spend money in the arcades, their mindset is to play the game like it's their last. Since in America we only play on console where we spend no $0 per game, we tend to play mindless, meaningless games, rematch after rematch, learning the games at a slower pace.<

I agree. I've also heard Justin Wong cite this as the likely reason for why he is able to mount those insane comebacks (re: The Wong Factor). Apparently when he use to frequent Chinatown Fair back in the day he would only have a handful of quarters in hand which meant that he had to play every game like it was his last. In this interview he went on to speculate that this competitive mindset could potentially be lost when you play fighting games on consoles as you can, like you said, simply start another game with no monetary commitment.

Level-Three1 karma

What was your most memorable match and why?