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LegendOfArcanine132 karma

Right, they're probably implanting more than one embryo to maximize chances of at least one working out (I believe they do that with IVF in humans, too, which is why IVF often leads to twins). Makes you wonder what happens to the spares.

LegendOfArcanine73 karma

What do you know about the early socialization your cloned kitty received during her first few weeks of life? Did she have siblings?

I know for dogs at least, these early weeks are super important, and puppies learn a lot about boundaries from their littermates, which is why I'm curious.

LegendOfArcanine13 karma

Shock collars can be excellent tools for a lot of dogs and al lot of disciplines, but they should never be used on herding dogs. 

What makes you feel that shock collars are particularly unsuitable for herding dogs in specific? Is it their sensitive nature? I have dabbled in a few disciplines under my belt (mainly trailing, tracking, detection and a bit of formal obedience) with a few friends that are active in KNPV, shock collars are banned in my country and none of us ever felt like we missed out on something. I strongly feel that while some dogs' training may benefit from it, the tool has the greatest potential of abuse and fall out, out of any tool that is commonly used in training dogs. Seeing amateurs on social media buy a shock collar and slap it on their dog makes my skin crawl.