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Lebanese_Trees135 karma

I used to play pick-up basketball with Lil B at my gym in the Bay Area consistently for months, a couple years ago. I'm talking two-on-two, usually Lil B and I against a couple guys we knew around the gym (we weren't as good as a lot of the other people that would play, so we'd often play fours on a different court). I literally didn't know he was Lil B, despite hearing about Lil B and his cult following alllllll the time (but regrettably never looking up his picture). I knew him as "Brandon," a super friendly, tatted up, fun-sized gangstar that was always encouraging and never made fun of my 6th-grade-quality bball skills.

Brandon, if you're out there, I miss you man. I wish I would've known about all the extra awesomeness you partook in outside the basketball court at the time, I would have loved to hear about the life of a #basedgod from such a creative and careless genius . But in a way, I'm glad I never knew about your career so that I can think of us as "real friends."

Lebanese_Trees89 karma

Thank you for this bizarre and interesting glimpse into "the good ol days"

Lebanese_Trees5 karma

Would you still take taxis if one in every 100 times your cab driver shoots you in the face?

best analogy I've ever read.

Lebanese_Trees1 karma

I could see how that would be annoying, I feel for you man. Those kids that think you're a badass have the right idea. Congratulations on your strength and may your life only get better from here kid!

Lebanese_Trees1 karma

When I was a child, my mother lost a dear cousin of hers to leukemia. Growing up, I definitely saw the effects of his death on that side of my family, some still evident today. I always wondered how different my family would be if he had received proper treatment and survived. My question is: as someone who has beat cancer, do you feel like there are consistent and noticeable ways that people act differently around you, or treat you differently now than from before? This can pertain to anyone from family members, to schoolmates (who can be known for being especially brutal/insensitive), to even just kids you may have grown up with?